A boy from Blumenort is just 10 years old and he is already making a big difference in his community. 

Oliver Fuchs’ birthday was on April 22nd, and for his birthday, he decided he wanted to make sure that everybody gets a cake on their birthday. 

He decided that for his birthday he was going to make cake-kits for people who can’t afford them. 

His mom, Candace Fuchs, says she is very proud of her son. 

“I pitched the idea, but I left it up to him. I wasn't going to force him if he didn't want to do it, and he was on board right away. He was very much in favor.” 

The cake-kits included birthday cake mix, Sprite, balloons, candles, and icing. 

One of the cake-kits

Oliver recalls the day when the family brought their donation down to Steinbach Community Outreach. 

“They said, ‘oh, that's so nice of you!’” 

He says giving away the cake-kits made him feel great, and he is glad he could bless people celebrating their birthdays. 


With files from Corny Rempel