The $1.46-million, 2,691 square foot, two kindergarten classroom addition at Blumenort School is complete and the grand opening was held Tuesday evening.

Superintendent Randy Dueck says the addition increases the size of the school to 42,563 square feet, and will help satisfy the growth while providing opportunities for diversity and additional programming.

"That [dollar figure] also provided us with a mechanical upgrade throughout the entire wing that was built in 1970. So, we were able to accomplish that, and we were also able to do a full electrical upgrade in anticipation of further additions because we know it's a growing community."

The four-classroom, 5,436 square foot addition at South Oaks School are regular, not kindergarten, classrooms. The cost of the South Oaks School addition came in at $1.9-million dollars and increases the square footage of the school to a total of 43,844. Dueck notes it's exciting to see growth happening in the community of Grunthal as well.

One of the new kindergarten classrooms at Blumenort School.