If you're feeling a little blue today, that could be because today is known by some as the saddest day of the year. The third Monday in January is traditionally called, Blue Monday.

Dick Forbes is with the Crisis Stabilization Unit in Steinbach. He says the original idea for Blue Monday actually came from a travel company back in 2005 that was trying to promote travel. Cliff Arnall from Cardiff University then drafted a formula using factors such as weather, debt, length of time from Christmas and failed New Year's resolutions to determine the third Monday in January is the saddest day of the year.

(Crisis Stabilization Unit in Steinbach)Forbes admits that while the designation might be tongue in cheek, there is probably some validity, noting it is a very sluggish time of year for a lot of people. He suggests you engage in activities that keep you going.

"The things that you identify yourself as doing to take care of yourself, it's important to continue those or expand on them," suggests Forbes.

But Forbes says the very fact this day has such a negative label, it immediately gets us thinking about depression or sadness. If we rather labelled it, "The Day That We Most Needed To Do Things To Take Care Of Ourselves," that would push us to doing what it takes to take care of ourselves.

Regarding New Year's resolutions, Forbes says a lot of people get hooked into resolutions by taking an all or nothing approach. They can become frustrated as resolutions require time.

"It's that conflict of our time, our desires, our demands leads to frustration and leads to new activities being shelved," he says.

In an attempt to make this a more happy time of year, Forbes strongly encourages getting involved in a group activity. This can include a gym class, Yoga, swimming group, book club or walking group. He notes these are social activities that pull people together.

Or, if you know of someone struggling, offer to go for a walk with them. And if they say it's too cold to walk, then suggest that the next time they need to go shopping that you will set out a little bit earlier in order to get a walk in first.

Another reminder is to be aware of what others are normally interested in. Forbes says it is usually easier for someone to get involved if it is something they have been interested in at some point.

And finally, he says exercise is key. Forbes notes thirty to forty-five minutes of vigorous activity each day is as effective as an antidepressant.