ROC Eastman Executive Director says 2015 was a busy year for their organization.

Moni Loewen says highlights include their 12-hour hockey marathon, 100 kilometre cyclathon including the family cyclathon, parade involvement, first ROC family event andt he start of their mentorship program.

"We had our first family event at Cloud 9 Ranch," notes Loewen. "So all of our ROC families came out and they did some riding and playing with the horses and we ate. It was the first time we've tried to do a family only event where most of these families don't know each other. It was a little awkward at first, but we all had such a good time and left that night feeling like a great big family. We were really encouraged by the dynamic and I think we want to do more of that."

Loewen says there are around 13 families with a total of 36 kids that are currently in Phase 1 of the program. She adds in total they have 105 kids in the recreation program and this includes the 36 kids who are in Phase 1. She says the kids are trying new activities including guitar, pan flute, swimming and taekwondo. Loewen explains one kid in swimming lessons is afraid of water and another in taekwondo knew no one in his class. She adds the kids are showing bravery and courage to try new things and it's been encouraging and exciting to watch.

"Our moms are actually learning more and more about their kids through our leisure education games," notes Loewen. "It's very common to hear the moms say 'I didn't know that,' and the kids are learning about their moms, 'Mom, I didn't know that' and 'Mom, I think this about you.' We had two kids who quite specifically said that the greatest thing about their mom was that she was always so positive, even when they knew life was really quite difficult. They could see that she was always the one in the family who put the little ray of sunshine back into their lives. For her, to hear them having noticed that, was a really special family moment."

Loewen adds they were awarded a few grants in 2015 and are thankful for the additional support they've seen and are hoping for that to continue in 2016. 

Read More:
ROC Eastman Hockey Marathon Support Overwhelming
"I Was Doing The Ride For The Kids"