A new cookbook celebrates the many different cultures in Steinbach and Southeastern Manitoba.

Eastman Immigrant Services program director Richard Harder says out of the 110 countries represented in the Southeast, there is a good variety of ethnic foods in the Cultures In The Kitchen cookbook.

"In the cookbook there are 29 countries represented. These are original recipes contributed by our local immigrants. They were generous enough to share their recipes with us. Many of these recipes we've tasted but now we all get to taste them because they're in the form of a book."

Harder notes the idea for the cookbook came from a resident who attended a community consultation. He says they loved the idea of a cultural cookbook because it serves as an opportunity for people to celebrate culture and different ethnic backgrounds through food.

"We already see that in the community as we have Cultures In The City during the Summer In The City festival," notes Harder. "It offers different perspectives, if offers different feelings, different tastes, and so we wanted to celebrate diversity."

The cookbook is available at a variety of businesses in Steinbach including Eastman Immigrant Services and Chamber of Commerce.