Steinbach RCMP Constable Kevin Wynn has a few tips to prevent people from being the target of thieves this Christmas.

Wynn says while out shopping, it's always a good idea for men to carry their wallet in an inside jacket pocket or front pants pocket. If it's placed in a back pocket it is much easier to be pick pocketed. He suggests women keep a watchful eye on their purse and not to leave it in a shopping cart while they wander off.

When making a purchase, Wynn recommends being mindful of whom you're giving your debit card or credit card to. He suggests watching to make sure your card is not double swiped, and never carry large amounts of cash.

If you are planning on leaving purchased gifts in your vehicle while you finish shopping, Wynn suggests keeping them in the trunk or under a blanket and if possible park in a well lit area.

According to Wynn, Christmas is the time of year when scams often surface.

"Unfortunately this time of year there are people that will take advantage of kind hearted people and contact you, maybe in different ways by phone, could be door to door, could be online," says Wynn. "There are unfortunately a lot of scams out there today."

Wynn says if you have any suspicion whatsoever, don't get involved. He suggests contacting the Better Business Bureau, Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre or RCMP if you've been the target of a scam.

If you are planning on leaving your home for a holiday, Wynn suggests making arrangements with a friend or family member to help make your residence appear lived in. This includes clearing the snow off the step, picking up any mail left at the door, leaving a light on and just checking the home on a daily basis.

And, once Christmas is over and you need to get rid of some of the boxes that packaged the gifts you received, Wynn recommends breaking down these boxes before bring them to the curb for recycling.

"Fold up boxes and put them in bags and just make it a lot more difficult for potential thieves to know what you have," he says.