Steinbach city council says it is not about to make exceptions to its newly-amended Zoning Bylaw on mobile signs. The issue came up Tuesday when city council received a letter from the Great Canadian Oil Change along Highway #12, requesting permission to place a mobile sign in the right-of-way along the highway.

Councillor Michael Zwaagstra strongly urged his colleagues to say no.

"Our Zoning Bylaw is very clear that mobile signs are not permitted in right-of-way locations. That's for safety reasons, for visibility reasons. We cannot set a precedent and start allowing mobile signs in those areas. We have made significant changes to the mobile sign bylaw in order to accommodate businesses and the concerns that have been raised. We've looked at the concerns carefully and the changes we made are the changes that we're comfortable with. We intentionally chose not to make any changes in regards to the right-of-way issue because it is important that mobile signs not go in a right-of-way location. That is something we're holding firm on."

Council unanimously agreed and the request was denied.