Did you know that according to research, approximately one third of all those who use the services of a food bank in Canada are children?  And that nearly half of those who rely on a food bank to get by, will usually go hungry at least once a week?  Don't forget the official kickoff to the 2015 Drive Away Hunger Campaign happens this Friday from 11:30 - 1:30 at SE Helping Hands!  There'll be a pork on a bun BBQ for $5.00 with all proceeds to the food bank, live entertainment by McKenzie Road and 3 Miles Down, and please bring a tin-for-the-bin if you can - every little bit helps!  The actual food drive will happen the weeks of October 12th and 19th so be sure and put the dates on your calendar!

Hank Klassen and Sue Braun of SE Helping Hands