Ted Falk, campaigning in Steinbach Tuesday with his daughter and grandchildren

The Conservative candidate for Provencher says Canadians and families know best how to spend their money, not government.

Ted Falk says reduced taxation and support for families are two issues that have come up repeatedly while on the campaign trail the last month. And Falk says since coming into power, the Harper government has saved the average family more than $3,200 annually in taxes.

Falk says he has hit the stretch run in his first election campaign; one he calls a really good experience. Falk notes it's been rewarding to meet so many people and says by election day his team will have been to nearly every community in the constituency.

Falk says during the first part of his campaign, one thing that came up repeatedly was the Senate scandal in Ottawa. Falk says he would have liked these Senators to return the money identified as misappropriated, apologize to Canadians and resign.

"Unfortunately that didn't happen," says Falk. "And the Senate in its wisdom decided to suspend the Senators, I think that was the right decision to make." But Falk questions whether that move goes far enough. He suggests suspending all of their benefits as well.

In a telephone forum Monday night, Falk says infrastructure improvements was overwhelmingly the number one issue amongst the 2800 participants.

"Many residents have indicated that we need a better road system," he says. "It seems the NDP government in the province has neglected Provencher for many years and they want to see money being spent here with our roads being improved, upgraded and our infrastructure system being improved."

With less than one week to go until election day, Falk hopes constituents will consider the track record of the party they're voting for on Monday.

"When you look at the Harper government, I don't think any government's perfect," says Falk. "But when you look at their track record of reducing taxes, standing up for family values and also supporting a strong economy, of all the developed countries in the world, Canada has the best economy."

"We don't want to be over confident," admits Falk. "We certainly feel we have very strong support. We're going to work like we're just one vote behind."