Health Minister Kelvin Goertzen says he is about to launch a study into the province's health care system. The Steinbach MLA notes this will be done apart from a review the government is currently doing regarding 'value for money' in all of its departments and programs. Goertzen explains, it will be done separately because health care is unique and consumes about 50 per cent of the province's annual budget.

Kelvin Goertzen"Health Care is fairly specialized. It is about half of government or almost half of government. That tender will be going out very shortly and that will launch a very significant review of innovation and sustainability. That isn't just a value for money approach. We want to make sure we are getting value for money in health care but it's also about trying to drive innovation and sustainability. We can sustain health care for this generation but I'm very concerned about the sustainability of it for their children, for our grandchildren. That is a great concern because we cannot continue to grow the health care budget the way it's growing now. It'll consume almost all of government."

Goertzen says this same dilemma is being faced by every province and territory in the country. He is hoping the review he is about to launch will bring some instruction to fix the funding model through innovation.