Firefighters from the Hanover Fire Department, include Kleefeld, Grunthal, and New Bothwell, took part in their third annual training weekend. 

Fire Prevention Officer Gary Kehler says new and seasoned firefighters alike trained in vehicle extrication, truck-handling, and extinguishing test fires. He adds it's a weekend to encourage cross-training and to have more seasoned  firefighters give their experience and knowledge to the newer members. He notes since all three fire stations are now a part of the Hanover Fire Department, this weekend also helps members train together and be more comfortable working with each other on a scene.

hat had a new type of window on the side that we hadn't been able to break before. Now we got to play with it a little bit and see, oh, this is how this works."

Kehler notes, in the future, they hope to have their training site up and ready which will include containers to perform test burns.