Steinbach is getting a new program to help at risk teens. City councillor Cari Penner, who is chair of the city's Police Advisory Committee, says it's based on the START (Selkirk Team for At Risk Teens) program in Selkirk where a coordinator is in contact with all of the agencies that are working with a particular troubled teenager to make sure they work together. She explains an at-risk teen can often be involved with several agencies such as Child and Family Services, police, the health care system and schools. But Penner says there is often no cross communication between those agencies. This program will change that.

"It's kind of a program that will coordinate everyone so they're all on the same page with the teen. You could have CFS, you could have the school division, you could have the local RCMP, all working with the same teen and everyone does not know what everyone else is doing. So it's a wonderful way to coordinate a plan for the teen."

Penner adds the Hanover School Division has provided the seed money to get the program going.

"Our program will be called Headway. We're in the process of hiring a coordinator. As a matter of fact, I think one may already be hired and they will be beginning very shortly. Everyone is very enthusiastic about it and we're hoping it will bring some good things to Steinbach."

Read more:

START Program Generates Interest In Steinbach