The Hanover School Division's official enrolment count has increased by 195 students. There were 7,676 students counted in the division last year, a decrease of 37 students from 2013 and Superintendent Randy Dueck explains the student enrolment count this year came to 7,871. Dueck says that's approximately 90 students more than what was budgeted by the division.

"We did budget for a small, moderate growth for this year, but it looks like we'll be higher than we budgeted," notes Dueck. "That growth has taken place, for the most part, throughout the division. SRSS is about 60 students higher than what we budgeted so that's a significant piece there. A bit of a surprise for us that we're making those kinds of gains at SRSS."

Dueck notes the division went through a few plateau years, which was a surprise, adding they knew growth would come back to the division, but was unsure of when until this year. Dueck notes although they under budgeted, growth is good news.

"We're staffed for those many students fewer, but we've already addressed some of those staffing needs. It's just a response to growth," says Dueck. "So it will be over budget but we understand that we're also making some gains because we have growth in student numbers."

To be part of a growing division and a growing community, Dueck says, is exciting.