The Seine River School Division has been using electronic devices in their grades six to eight classrooms for a few years now with great success.

Superintendent Mike Borgfjord says about 90-95% of those students have them and by next year, every student in grades six to eight will have an iPad. "When we decided to have technology in the classrooms we wanted to have an equitable model where everyone could have one. So the Division does provide an iPad for the students that are theirs, they take them home 12 months out of the year."

Borgfjord says in class, the devices are used for many things like creativity, research, and video editing. "We are finding it works really well in most classrooms, but like anything, it's a lot of change for everybody. Students are already digitally connected, and they are using information that's readily available."

Breakage and loss were a real concern in the beginning, but Borgfjord says that rate is minimal. "It's actually been a shocking surprise for us, we're looking at less than 2%. I think one of the reasons it's been really successful, is the real ownership of the device with the students."