Author: AM 1250/Mix 96 News
Keystone Agricultural Producers presented its thoughts on several bills to MLA's before the Legislature broke for summer.  President David Rolfe says bill 14, which defines the powers of provincial water enforcement officers, was one of them.  He notes enforcement is necessary, but KAP is recommending the Department of Water Stewardship encourage the officers to work with farmers whenever possible.  KAP also rose concerns over bill 19 which proposes a new advisory group be established to counsel the Minister of Agriculture.  Rolfe notes the Minister already has access to a variety of sources of expertise, and he doesn't see why another level of bureaucracy needs to be put in place.  He adds the group also passed on its thoughts on bill 31.  The legislation deals with issues surrounding a foreign animal disease outbreak.  Rolfe notes, in the event healthy animals would have to be put down for animal care reasons, KAP believes the bill should reference the compensation farmers would receive.  Currently that is not the case.