Steinbach's Odd Job Squad was out in the community on Thursday putting on a lunch barbecue in front of Country Meat and Deli.

Annetta Fruehauf is the Steinbach Youth Engagement Leader for the Manitoba Youth Job Centre. She says the barbecue is their second event of the year.

“What the Manitoba Youth Job Centre does is it helps place youth in employment. One of the ways we do that is we have an Odd Job Squad for people ages 12 to 16, giving them a chance to work. We do events like barbecues. This is our second event of the season, our first one was a strawberry pick.”

Fruehauf says all of the profits of the Odd Job Squad go to the kids who put in the work. She notes they are still growing as the summer progresses.

“We keep getting more registrations in the door every week. I would say we have well over 40 kids registered with Odd Jobs Squad. We are going to be doing some freezie sales at the splash park, some more barbecues throughout the summer and we might do a car wash.”

Fruehauf says she is the supervisor for all of the Odd Job Squad events.