With just under 250 days until the world’s largest pioneer harvest commences, Harvesting Hope is pleased to announce its official record attempt target.

It was earlier this year on the Morning Show we heard all about the event scheduled for July 31st near Austin at the Manitoba Agricultural Museum.

That's right Michelle, Harvesting Hope will hopefully see 125 vintage threshing machines raising money for the Museum and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. The goal is to have all 125 operating simultaneously July 31st on a wheat field near the Museum at Austin.

Harvest Hope spokesperson Ayn Wilcox joined us on Friday's Morning Show.

Ayn also told us response since the event and world record attempt was announced in August has been Canada-wide and very positive.

Organizers also announced a new way for all of us to support Harvesting Hope, the Community Champions program. Manitobans can support Harvesting Hope by being a Threshing Team Sponsor ($1,000), Adopting an Acre of wheat ($500), or being a Friend of Harvesting Hope ($250). Community champions will receive a special invitation to the Harvesting Hope event.

Contributions of other sizes are also greatly appreciated. Contributions over $20 will receive a tax receipt.  Additionally, Manitoba’s business community can support Harvesting Hope by becoming a community champion or a corporate partner.

To learn more about how you can be part of Harvesting Hope July 31st, 2016 visit the event website by clicking here.