Over $26,000 has been raised during the two and a half weeks of 50-50 For Kids in support of ROC Eastman.

Family Recreation Practitioner Chelsey Hiebert says with their half currently at about $13,000 they would be able to support almost 40 children in recreation activities for an entire year. Hiebert explains each child is allotted $350 a year for the recreation activity of their choice and they chose that number because it's easier and more realistic for families to put into their budget after ROC doesn't have a financial presence.

Hiebert says with the funds they'll receive they are also hoping to expand and look at reaching families in Landmark, Lorette, St. Malo, St. Pierre and Beausejour. She adds it's very exciting to see how the community has come to support ROC Eastman.

"I'm so excited because I know this is going to families that need it. I'm really privileged to see each and every kid in ROC and have a relationship with them and encourage them in their activities and be with them when they're figuring things out," notes Hiebert. "I'm so honoured to be a part of that and I know this money is doing amazing work in communities. I have high hopes for it and I know it's going to do some really great stuff, and I'm going to get to meet a lot of new families with the funds that we're raising, so I'm very excited to do that."

Hiebert adds her dream is to see all 20,000 tickets sell out before Friday morning noting that would be an amazing problem to have. 

"I want to tell more people about ROC Eastman, I want the awareness to grow in our community, I want to tell more people about what we're doing because all the people I have met and have told about it, they share my excitement."

Hiebert says she's very thankful to all the businesses for their support along with the community members who have become excited about what ROC is doing in families of southeastern Manitoba.

The final grand prize draw happens on February 19 at 8:30 a.m.