The Staff Sergeant for Steinbach RCMP says there was increased police presence over the weekend as a result of Operation Impact. Harold Laninga says the goal was to cut down on risky driving behaviours.

Laninga says RCMP issued two roadside suspensions for alcohol, while Traffic Services also caught one impaired driver. Laninga says that's too many.

"I keep on hoping that the message is going to get out, we're warning people ahead of time, we're telling them, this has been the law for a long time, whether it be seatbelts, speeding, drinking and driving," says Laninga. "I still continue to see issues arising, which is obviously of concern to me."

Steinbach RCMP also issued 13 speeding tickets and one ticket for careless driving.

Laninga says these totals are nearly identical to last year's Operation Impact.

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Operation Impact This Weekend