Council for the Rural Municipality of Ritchot held a public hearing last week to release plans for construction of a fire hall in Ste.Agathe. Chief Administrative Officer Mitch Duval says the municipality would need to borrow $2.5 million to construct the fire hall, purchase a fire truck and equipment and to train personnel.

Duval says two members of the public showed up to the hearing, but neither formally objected to the need for a hall. However, there were concerns from the public as to how the project would be funded. Duval says one ratepayer suggested that rather than borrowing 

(Conceptual Drawing)$2.5 million, the municipality should borrow no more than $1.5 million and take the rest from reserves.

"I understand the ratepayer's concern," says Duval. "It is a very valid point."

Duval says he will propose to Council a worst case scenario, which would see the municipality borrow $2.5 million. He says quite likely what would then happen is he would forward two proposals; one, which would pay for the fire hall and the other which would pay for the fire truck. Duval explains the fire truck would be paid off more quickly, so that they are not still making payments twenty years from now.

Under the Municipal Act, the matter will need to be forwarded to the Municipal Board for approval of the borrowing of funds. Duval expects on October 4th, Council will give first reading to the plan, which will then push the matter to the Municipal Board.

Duval says if all goes according to plan, they will look to roll out construction late next summer.

The CAO says with only two people showing up to last week's public hearing, it is his opinion that ratepayers feel comfortable with this project.

Read More:

Hearing Planned To Discuss Fire Hall For Ste.Agathe

Fire Hall To Be Built In Ste.Agathe

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