A leisure services coordinator will help encompass recreation and culture in the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie, says the Chief Administrative Officer.

Council heard a presentation from Roger Langlais and Alix Richards who work for the province and CAO Anne Burns says this position is a service council would like to provide to the municipality as an essential service to enhance all kinds of recreation activities.

"[They will be able to] start looking at what's lacking in our community that we could provide. Not just on the recreational side, but the culture side because there are a lot of people who are not interested in hockey or baseball. They're interested in drawing or sculpting or stamp collecting or photography."

Burns says there are wonderful facilities in the municipality, such as the arena, which could be utilized more year-round. She adds there are also many organizations, some which are unknown to the municipality, which the leisure services coordinator would be able to work with and help enhance programming.

The individual hired for the position, says Burns, will be responsible for recreation and programming, promoting leadership and volunteerism in the community, working with existing groups and organizations, and applying for grants and funding opportunities.

She notes the leisure services coordinator would also be able to provide activities and recreation for people of all ages.

"We have seniors and they're active seniors. Do we want to have extra exercise equipment for seniors and young people to use? Pickleball is a big thing now with seniors. We're not utilizing our facilities the way we should and this would just provide that service to young and old throughout the entire community."

Interested applicants have until November 10 to submit a resume to the RM of La Broquerie office.