The Age Friendly Community Council in Steinbach has been recognized by the Manitoba Government. City councillor Susan Penner, a member of the council, says they received the province's Age Freindly Community Milestone Award.

(Above, Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen was in attendance and accepting the award were Steinbach Councillor Susan Penner (holding son Mark), Sylvia Nilsson-Barkman, Chair of the Age Friendly Committee and Steinbach 55 Plus President Pat Porter.

Penner explains, "The council was recognized for the progress it's made since 2010, when it was started, which has been significant in that short period of time. What we've done is research on public spaces and on transportation as it pertains to age friendly issues in our community."

She says, for example, the council has studied sidewalks to make sure they are safe for seniors and notified the city about spots that need repair. It has also urged businesses to install automatic doors that are easy to open.

And Penner says there's another issue that's dear to the heart of the council. "This council is very active in advocating for increased PCH (Personal Care Home) beds in Steinbach. We had that opportunity on Monday as well to bring our concerns forward to the provincial government, how our situation in Steinbach definitely needs to be addressed."