Steinbach City Council is now one step closer to finalizing its mobile sign bylaw.

Mayor Chris Goertzen says councillors made a few decisions at last week's Council meeting.

"Council chose to make it a little bit less restrictive than the current bylaw but it will really reflect the use of signage across the city at this present time," notes Goertzen.

According to Goertzen, their Zoning Bylaw is quite restrictive in terms of the number of signs allowed to be used. He notes at present there are a lot of signs that should not be allowed under their Zoning Bylaw and Council would like to bring their Bylaw in line with what sign usage is across the city.

One of the decisions to be made is concerning the size of sign allowed in the city. Goertzen says Council took a look at the standard size being used and would like that to become the norm.

"At present those sizes were much reduced in the central business district and so Council chose to make that something that was more universal across the city," he says.

As for the number of signs allowed per lot, Goertzen says Council is proposing one sign be allowed per lot unless there are multiple tenants on a particular lot. In that case, two signs would be allowed.

Goertzen says Council has asked administration to draft regulations. After that, it will go to a public hearing.

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