Steinbach Fire Chief Kel Toews reminded us this morning that this week's theme is: "Hear the Beep - Where you Sleep" Every bedroom needs a working smoke-alarm!
Fire Prevention Week is October 4 - 10, 2015. The theme this year is “Hear the Beep where you Sleep - Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm". This is an excellent opportunity for you to educate members of your community about the importance of having working smoke alarms and testing them every month.
The Steinbach Fire Hall will be hosting their Open House from 6-8 pm today. $2 for a hot dog and a drink, the Red River Co-op Fire Safety Trailer will be there, Sparky will be hanging out with us all, the fire trucks will be open to see and more!! Come out and thank our fire fighters for what they do for us every day.