Steinbach city council was all set Tuesday night to give final approval to a change in rules regarding mobile advertising signs. But at a Public Hearing on the proposed revisions, council was asked to make even more changes. The Steinbach Chamber of Commerce asked that the signs be allowed within one foot of the front property line instead of ten feet. And Signex asked that council consider allowing new illuminated mobile signs, something that is currently not permitted in the city's zoning bylaw.

Councillor Jac Siemens suggested council send the matter back to the administration for more study.

"When we ask the public for their opinion, we always get their opinion and I think there was some good feedback regarding the setback of portable signs as well as portable electronic signs that are potentially on the horizon. So I think it is prudent for us to send it back to the administration and to get further background on how this could portentially affect our city (Zoning) Bylaw."

Council approved the motion.

Mayor Chris Goertzen notes city council has been working on this matter for the last year-and-a-half and it appears it will now be next year before rule changes are finalized regarding mobile signs. Deputy Mayor John Fehr says it's important that council takes it's time and do it properly the first time. He notes council will have to move carefully regarding the request to allow illuminated mobile signs.

"It's not something that we can just unilaterally go and change overnight. There are so many ramifications to electronic signs. I know, if I apply for my business, I've got to jump through all sorts of hoops and I've got to get permits and I've got to abide by regulations. We want to make sure that people can't circumvent all those bylaws by getting a mobile (illuminated) sign. Yet, as I drive down the highway, I see electronic signs all over the place and so they are coming but we have to find something that's going to be workable for us as a city."