It was a busy weekend for Tara Reimer of Cloud 9 Ranch in Friedensfeld and her horse Arnie (aka "Tuffy") who were invited by the Calgary Stampeders Grey Cup Host Committee to represent the Stamps at various Grey Cup festivities around Winnipeg.

Every Grey Cup since 1948 "Tuffy" the horse has made an appearance at the Grey Cup in host cities across the country and according to Tara, Arnie (or "Tuffy" as he was known around town during the weekend) was spoiled with copious quantities of apples and carrots wherever he went - resulting in a bit of an "accident" in the lobby of the Holiday Inn Express on Portage Avenue.  

The weekend culminated with an appearance by fourteen Cloud 9 Ranch horses in the Grey Cup/Santa Claus Parade.  Check out the video highlights!

Tara Reimer and Arnie (aka "Tuffy") enroute from the Winnipeg Art Gallery to the Holiday Inn on Portage Avenue as part of the 103rd Grey Cup festivities over the weekend