A tree branch on a power line was the cause of a fire around midnight Wednesday night on Reimer Avenue between Spruce and Pine Cresent.

Scott Powell with Manitoba Hydro says the fire caused a power outage to 11 customers for about an hour. Powell adds crews removed the tree branch from the line, inspected the line and insulation ties and were then able to re-energize the line and restore power.

"Anytime we have high winds or stormy weather there is the chance of trees coming into contact with power lines that could cause power outages," notes Powell. "Whether they be small distribution lines, like what occurred in Steinbach; it can also happen to some of our larger distribution feeder lines or sub transmission lines in different areas of the province."

He adds the risk is present whenever storm season and high winds are present.

Powell says if you see a tree branch on a power line which may be causing a problem, do not attempt to remove it yourself, noting if it's raining the tree branch may be energized. Rather call 1-888-MBHYDRO (1-888-624-9376) and allow hydro crews to remove the branch so you don't cause injury to yourself.