Last October, Stonybrook Middle School Teacher Don Dewey started a unique group at the school.

The SMS Sportscard Club meets every school day six, which works out to just under once every week.  Dewey has been collecting sportscards since his dad got him started at the age of four, and he says he wanted to give his students the same opportunity.

"It just gives the students another opportunity to do something fun.  A lot of kids these days do collect hockey cards, and it gives them something fun to do and gets to teach them a little bit about how to trade and how to be fair.  Then we also have opportunities to give back to the community by doing little fundraisers as well."

The group usually sees around 20 students take part, and Dewey explains the way the club works is quite simple.

"The kids come in and sign in, then they have the opportunity to win some prizes.  Then they put their cards out and trade with someone else if they want to.  My role as the teacher is just to ber here to make sure no one is getting cheated, so I approve the trades."

The club also takes part in card shows outside of the school, including two a year at Clearspring Centre.  Student Jillian Valdez joined the club at the beginning of this school year and in that time he has collected just over 200 cards, his favourite of which is Tim Thomas.  Valdez explains he joined the club because it sounded like a lot of fun, and it hasn't disappointed.

"I like collecting hockey cards, trading and having events."

While Valdez hasn't taken part in any of those outside-of-school events just yet, he says it's something he's really looking forward to.  The club's next sportscard show will be on Saturday, November 2nd at the Kleefeld Rec Centre.

Club members show off the cards they have for sale at Septembers' show at the Clearspring Centre