Nine Steinbach Churches were represented at Summer in the City's Worship in the City at 10:30 am Sunday morning at the K.R. Barkman Park in Steinbach.

Manitoba band The Color performed in front of a large crowd before and after guest speaker Jim Harms shared a message with the congregants.

Manitoba band The Color performed at the K.R. Barkman Park Sunday morning to a large audience.

Jim Harms is the Executive Coach at Youth For Christ in Steinbach, he says the feeling was almost indescribable as he spoke to many familiar faces in the park. “I just want people to know that our Heavenly Father is calling for a relationship with us. He is waiting for us to come and get cleansed of things that so easily tangle us up and rob our joy.”

When asked how it felt to share the stage with The Color, Harms says, “It was absolutely awesome, I was simply overpowered by the fact that their mission is to bring music to the people that are the least of these. What a joy, and I love their music.”

Harms notes, it's important to bring the community together. “Now more than ever it's important to know that no matter what denomination we are with, we are pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to serve, and we want it to be known in our community that we are a solid voice for Jesus in our community.”