Yield to the vehicle on your right. That's the rule when approaching an uncontrolled intersection.

Brian Smiley from Manitoba Public Insurance says to not assume the other driver will yield for you, and always be prepared to stop, if necessary.

Uncontrolled intersection at Road 40N and 33E."In a situation where you arrive first, you don't assume the other vehicle is going to yield to you. So, you want to be sure that they're not going to be continuing forward and potentially [causing] a collision. In that situation you want to have, maybe, some eye contact with the other driver, if possible, hand gestures help. But, again, the rule in the Highway Traffic Act and the Driver's Handbook is, you will yield to the vehicle on your right."

Smiley adds when a collision occurs at an uncontrolled intersection the adjuster would take all information from drivers and witnesses to determine the liability and who is at-fault.

Rural Municipality of Hanover Reeve Stan Toews says, as a municipality, they look at adding stop signs to an intersection that has reduced visibility in any direction or that has a history of collisions. Toews adds drivers need to pay attention and leave for their destination earlier so they don't feel rushed and potentially cause a collision.