School supplies tend to cost more each year, and according to a recent study conducted by an online poll funded by the Bank of Montreal, the average varies province to province.

1000 Canadians were asked how much they would spend on schoool supplies this year, the Manitoba average is $450 including clothing and school supplies combined.

A local (unofficial) online survey found that Steinbach parents are spending less than the provincial average at $235 per child for the upcoming school year for school supplies and clothing.

Jody Arsenault is a parent of two and blogger for Mommy Moment, she says she was able to re-use some school supplies from last year. “I tend to buy higher quality backpacks and lunch bags so they last longer. For school supplies alone for my two children I can usually keep it to under $100, but add in new clothing and shoes, it's closer to $500.”

Arsenault conducted her own study revealing similar results, she says her responses on the blog were quite varied as well, most parents try to use what they can from last year, and the average would be just over the $200 mark for supplies and clothes.