The Reeve of Hanover says Council has come up with a way to tackle some of the minor drainage requests that remain on their to-do list year after year.

Stan Toews says the municipality receives many drainage requests each year from landowners. But some of these requests stay on that list for many years because they are deemed to not have as much benefit to the overall municipal drainage system compared to the projects approved on the annual municipal drainage plan.

Toews notes Council has now come up with what it is calling a Two-Tiered Drainage Option Policy. Under the Policy, if a landowner is willing to cover the cost of the drainage project, the municipality will tackle it, instead of waiting for it to become a priority.

Projects are often left on the drainage list requests for several years until they are either approved by the municipality on the at-large annual drainage plan, funded by the Ward Councillor through a discretionary Transportation Budget or eventually dropped off the list.