
Artist rendering of new high school

Plans for the new high school in Steinbach are ready to be rolled out to the public.  Hanover Superintendent Ken Klassen says the architects have finished the design development stage where the basic plans are done and will be submitted to the province for approval.  Once they are approved work will begin on the construction drawings.

At this stage the board wants to provide all the information they have on the school to this point, and then give the community a chance for questions and answers.  In this way the public can have input on the building because they have the entire drawing phase to make changes as needed.

Klassen says a school is a very important building in any community and the division wants to be very responsive to the community.  He says the strength of a community is the school and the strength of a school is it's community.  He says it's important they do this project together.  What they build will influence the learning of the students in this community for the next fifty or more years.

This process was also followed during the planning of the Clearspring Middle School in Steinbach and Klassen says it was a valuable process.  Every point along the way there were insights from staff, students and community members on a variety of things.  He notes sometimes the questions that were asked helped them think through the administration or implementation of a part of the building even if the building itself couldn't change.  As a result every piece of input is valuable to them.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held tonight (Tuesday) at Steinbach Regional gymnasium at 7pm.