Niverville Town Council held an open house on Thursday evening to give residents an opportunity to weigh in on a variety of topics that council will cover in their annual planning sessions in mid-November.

Mayor Myron Dyck says there were storyboards covering over a dozen different topics set up in the south end of the Niverville Arena. He notes council is looking for feedback from residents so that when they hold their planning sessions they have a better idea of what residents are thinking.

Councilor Kevin Stott answers questions

“Too often it is only every four years at elections that you get door to door and you find out what the issues are. It is two years since the last election and sometimes priorities change for people and this is an opportunity to say this is what council is pondering, what would you like to see, what are your priorities?”

Dyck says they covered topics like the water source and potable water project, whether or not Niverville should have more councilors, future policing, and recreation plans. He notes members of council were in attendance along with representation from the town's staff, Communities in Bloom committee, the Niverville fire department, the chamber of commerce, and the multi-plex committee.

Dyck says council really wanted good discussion.

“We wanted the residents to have a chance to communicate and mingle with staff, with various members of council. We have pamphlets at every station so if some either haven't had the opportunity or they are shy that they can still have their questions answered.”

Dyck says the open house isn't by any means the last chance to engage with council on these topics. He notes if residents have any questions or comments they are encouraged to send them to