Three Steinbach firefighters have received the Governor General's Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal. They are Trevor Schellenberg, Cindi Klassen-Krahn and Kurt Martens. The award honours firefighters who have completed 20 years of service, ten of which have been served in the performance of duties involving potential risks. Steinbach Fire Chief Kel Toews says not a lot of volunteer firefighters make it to the 20 year mark.

"The average career for a volunteer firefighter is less than five years. We're kind of blessed. We've currently got seven people who have been here 20 years or more. It is sort of unusual."

Toews says it's very valuable to have so much experience in the local fire department. He adds it takes a huge commitment from both the person and their family to be a volunteer firefighter because calls take them away at all times of day or night.

"I'm not sure the general public, I'm not even sure some of the firefighters, realize the sacrifices the spouses make for them. The firefighters, when they get a call, they drop what they're doing and attend the call and often the spouse is left holding the bag."

Schellenberg joined first in 1991, followed in 1994 by Martens and Klassen-Krahn. When asked why they joined the fire department, no one reason seems to stand out for them, although Klassen-Krahn states, "Both my dad and brother were firefighters." Although their reasons for joining may not be obvious, the reason they have all stayed for more than 20 years is clear. "It’s family, the brotherhood," said Schellenberg, referring to his fellow firefighters. "We love the work," added Martens. "We love helping the public when they need us the most," said Klassen-Krahn. All three agree that their time at the department has been worth missing many family gatherings, birthdays, dance classes and anniversaries to carry out their duties. "It’s a lot of commitment," said Martens and Klassen-Krahn in unison, "it’s not for the faint at heart," when asked what they would say to someone considering joining a fire department.

Schellenberg, Klassen-Krahn and Martens received their awards Saturday at the fire department's annual Christmas banquet.