This past Saturday we headed out to Beausejour for their 25th annual Double B Agricultural Festival - and it was an absolute blast!

There were so many things for the whole family to do and explore: vendors, sandboxes, great food - even Midway was there with their awesome carnival rides.

There was also a huge wood carving aspect to the weekend, where professional carvers (including the Carver Kings!) were using their many, many chainsaws and tools to create some truly stunning artwork. The items, ranging from benches to sculptures, were auctioned off to some very lucky people throughout the weekend.

The rodeo was a blast to watch, with muttin bustin', bull wranglin' and riding, and lots more from the MRCA and CCA Semi Pro Rodeo.

The night wrapped up with some truly stunning fireworks. Chair of the event Trevor Proutt told us ahead of time that they were "the best fireworks in Manitoba", and while we'll let you judge for yourself, they are definitely something to see!