What a fun visit I had with Alyssa McAusland on the AM1250 Morning Show today! She is Grade 6. She lives in LaBroquerie and she is a winner!! Alyssa will be performing on stage with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra on Tuesday, December 5th at the Steinbach Mennonite Church. Alyssa won her spot on stage with this entry. 

Alyssa McAusland                             Arborgate                                 Grade: 5/6

I would like to play with the Winnipeg symphony Orchestra because:

I want to be a part of something big - lots of people are like “You’re too small to be doing something big.” I also really love music! I love being a part of music. My Mom never really watches me because everything is on days she works. She (would) be able to watch me if I was in WSO because it’s on a day she does not work. She always gets to go to my brothers things but never mine!! I also really love the WSO.

Along with Alyssa will be Tom-Louis Scheling and Raya Stelmack! 

Get your tickets for this amazing Christmas concert at the S.A.C. 204.346.1077 OR listen to AM1250 Radio tomorrow morning just before 8:00 a.m. Michelle Sawatzky will be giving away the "Best Seats in the House"!