Niverville Mayor Myron Dyck says the end is in sight to the water treatment plant problems the town has been experiencing since Wednesday, July 18.

Dyck notes the problem has been diagnosed as a high concentration of iron which has seeped through the filters of the plant’s reverse osmosis system and clogged the pipes. He adds, “we hope to be fully operational again sometime towards the end of Monday”.

“Once the problem was identified,” Dyck explains, “the lines were flushed and then, for a lack of a better word, we put a large pipe-cleaner into the pipe to clean it. The lines will then be re-flushed, and we should have this remedied shortly”

Precautionary steps will be taken so this does not happen in the future. Dyck indicates, “cleaning the pipes will now be part of regular maintenance to make sure this sediment does not build up again”.

Dyck thanks Niverville residents for their continued tolerance and understanding while this inconvenience is dealt with.