Taking the extra steps to work safely may mean taking a little longer to get a job done, but it pays off in the long run.

Farm implement dealer Rocky Mountain Equipment in Steinbach was recognized Tuesday for reaching the highest level of workplace safety in Manitoba. Safety Coordinator Jeff Ross says they were recognized by Safe Work Manitoba. "This was done through our certifying partner which is the Motor Vehicle Safety Association. We are the first ones to go through this audit and successfully achieve a Safe Work Certification."

Ross says their employees look for safer ways to work on a daily basis, by identifying and controlling hazards and thinking through the process to make sure they are working safely. He adds, when employees aren't getting hurt at work, life can be more enjoyable.

"Events like this where we achieve a milestone really shows their work does pay off. It's important to them because they can see the efforts they put in because it does take work. So the work they do every day might be slower when they work safer and not take shortcuts, but at the end of the day, they can see they've reduced injuries."