A new signalized intersection on Highway #12 at the north end of Steinbach will not be completed this fall. The early arrival of winter weather has forced a local contractor and Manitoba Infrastructure to stop the project until the spring.

John Fehr, owner of Trucks Unlimited, says that created some concerns about access to businesses along the east side of the highway until the project is completed.

"There had been a decision made that they were going to close the service road going north, just north of our business here. So some of the businesses along the service road expressed their concerns about the road closure and how it would affect their businesses. And kudos to Manitoba Infrastructure, the engineers and the construction company for listening to our concerns and for opening it up so that our businesses won't be interrupted in the way that they could have been had it remain closed."

Fehr says a number of customers access the businesses there by using the service road from the north and it is vital that the road stay open on that side.

The signalized intersection is being built to accommodate a new industrial park that is being developed on the west side of the highway.