The Hanover municipality have taken advantage of an annual Waste Reduction and Recycling (WRAR) grant which will help bring a new recycling cart program to residents.

Reeve Stan Toews says this new 64-gallon recycling cart program will be similar to the 96-gallon garbage tote program implemented in 2015.

"This will be similar. [Eastman Recycling] will pick it up just like the garbage; the truck comes along with his arm and then just dumps it into this truck and keeps going."

The municipality says Eastman Recycling will incur some costs in equipping their vehicles with hydraulic lift capabilities. They add the RM has budgeted $250,000 for the recycling cart program and the funds will come from waste removal savings and funds from the WRAR grant.

The recycling carts are expected to be ordered in November and arrive by April 1 of next year. Toews says they will start distributing the carts when they arrive and all those who are currently using the garbage totes will eventually receive a recycling tote.

He adds this program will be better for residents because they don't have to worry about the wind carrying recycling items away, as well, it will be better for employees of Eastman Recycling because the trucks to the greater part of the work.

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More Hanover Homes Getting Garbage Totes