A stray cat has put Steinbach on the map around the world. Fire Chief Kel Toews says the cat showed up at their front door during drill night a couple of weeks ago. They named it 'Ember' and it found a temporary home at the residence of a firefighter. They had Ember checked out by a vet. The fire department then took to social media to find a permanent home. Toews says some of their posts had over 20,000 visits.

"It's been amazing. And then, once we started asking for someone to adopt Ember, we had media outlets from around North America wanting to do a story. I noticed that the story must have hit Hong Kong yesterday (Sunday) because I'm getting lots of visits on our FaceBook page from Hong Kong. We've had people from California, Arizona, New Hampshire and Minnesota who have offered to fly up here and adopt Ember."

But in the end, Toews says she went to a loving home in Steinbach.

Ember has found a home in Steinbach

"She is now an indoor cat, hopefully the rest of her life, and doesn't have to deal with the cold weather."

As for all the notoriety that Ember received, Toews guesses the world was in need of a good news story and Ember turned up at the right time.