Eastman tops the list again for the region with the most collisions involving vehicles and deer. Brian Smiley with Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) says Eastman has led the way for many years now.

Smiley says the Eastman region is quite large, ranging from Steinbach to Falcon Lake to Birds Hill Park. He notes there is a lot of traffic in Eastman and a heavy deer population.

In an average year, Eastman has 1,540 vehicle/deer collisions, Westman has 1,400, Interlake 1,060, Winnipeg 610 and Pembina Valley 600.

According to Smiley, we have now entered the worst months of the year for collisions with deer. October and November are the two worst because it is rutting season for these animals. He adds deer are very transient, moving from area to area and crossing roadways. Smiley says, unfortunately, that means deer are coming into contact with vehicles.

MPI says animals are normally more active at dawn, dusk and at night. It asks motorists to be especially alert where brush and tall grass grow near the road and to slow down when you see wildlife crossing signs.

"Motorists are encouraged to have their passengers help them if they have passengers," suggests Smiley. "You are looking for eye glare, you are looking for any activity in the ditches. The animals startle very easily, they will cross the roadways, so again you need to be very careful and be prepared to stop."

If a deer should cross in front of a vehicle, Smiley encourages the driver to apply the brakes, do not swerve but drive through the animal.

"You do not want to swerve your vehicle," says Smiley. "You could potentially lose control and go into the ditch causing yourself and your passengers some serious injuries or fatality."

In fact, last year alone, 300 Manitobans were injured in wildlife-related collisions. MPI adds in the last decade, eight people in Manitoba have been killed in crashes caused by an animal on a road.

Smiley says deer collisions in this province account for probably 70% to 80% of all wildlife collisions.

According to MPI, Manitobans are involved in about 11,000 vehicle/wildlife collisions each year. Motorists are reminded that it is illegal to place food and other wildlife attractants along provincial roads and highways in Manitoba.