The Rural Municipality of La Broquerie is considering additional by-law presence.

Reeve Lewis Weiss says they heard requests from residents asking if they would consider having the by-law officers in the RM three days a week instead of the current two days. Weiss notes they have done preliminary research and have found it would easily fit into the RM's budget. The additional day of by-law enforcement coverage would cost the municipality $499.44 extra per week totaling a weekly cost of $1,498.32 for by-law enforcement.

"They would obviously be able to have a better chance of catching people at home," notes Weiss. "Sometimes if they go to homes to discuss issues they won't find the residence there. With two days a week that has been a problem and also just an all around presence. I know with ATV's people have definitely noticed a lot less issues because there is a presence. So if there was another day we would assume those issues would be even less."

Weiss adds council has decided to table the discussion for now and re-discuss in spring when the need is more apparent.