The Fire Chief for La Broquerie says it was a busy 24 hours for his firefighters.

On Wednesday at approximately 3:30 pm, they were dispatched to a two vehicle crash right in front of their fire hall. Chief Al Nadeau says it appears both vehicles were westbound. One of the vehicles had its left turn signal on when the vehicle behind pulled out to pass on the left.

"That was not a good idea," says Nadeau.

Both vehicles were damaged to the point of needing to be towed away. However, Nadeau says none of the injuries were serious enough for anyone to be transported to hospital.

Then, later in the day, Nadeau says a farmer hit a hydro pole with a cultivator, bringing down the hydro line. He notes hydro was cut off temporarily for three or four homes. The incident happened north of La Broquerie.

And, finally, at 1:30 Thursday morning, crews were called to a structure fire in the southwest corner of La Broquerie. A two story side-by-side was burning when crews arrived. Nadeau says it took them about an hour to get the fire under control, noting one resident was taken to hospital after passing out in the garage while trying to put out the fire.

"Everybody did a really good job there," adds Nadeau.