Cattle producers are welcoming the announcement of $448 million in AgriRecovery assistance for dealing with the impact of excess moisture.

The money, which is going to both crop and livestock producers, will help ranchers restore damaged land and help to address the costs of feeding breeding animals.

"This initiative will bring some relief to producers who are dealing with a range of issues as a result of the flooding and wet conditions," says Martin Unrau, MacGregor-area producer and Vice-President of the Canadian Cattlemen's Association.

"I believe this is also one of the first programs where the feedlot sector has been included. And we certainly appreciate that," he says. "At the end of the day, if the feedlots can't make any money, we in the feedlot business just take it off of the calves that we buy. It's a pretty simple deal. So if the feedlot industry gets a bit of help in this area, it's very important for the cow-calf guy as well."

The CCA is also pleased the federal government has expanded the list of areas where flooded producers are eligible for tax deferrals. 22 Manitoba municipalities - mainly in the southwest and Interlake - were added to the list earlier this week.