Winter wheat growers in the eastern part of the province are reporting yields between 85 and 95 bushels per acre, with proteins as high as 11.5 percent.

Manitoba Agriculture, in its weekly crop report, says bushel weights for winter wheat are around 60 pounds, with low fusarium levels.

Early seeded spring wheat is in the mid to firm dough stage. Early seeded canola is seeing some seed colour change, while soybeans range from R2 to R4.

Hay conditions range from fair to good with the first cut by beef producers complete, and dairy producers working on the second cut.

Manitoba Agriculture says growers in the central region are reporting winter wheat yields between 65 and 85 bushels per acre with good protein and low fusarium.

Spring cereals are maturing quickly and will be harvested in the next couple of weeks.

Swathing is also underway on early-seeded canola fields.

Corn is at the tassel stage, sunflowers are starting to bloom, and soybeans and edible beans are flowering and podding.

The dry conditions have limited the use of fungicide on canola and edible beans, while soybean aphids are being monitored, with some aphid control happening.

Haying continues with good yields and quality, while pastures in drier areas are turing brown due to a shortage of moisture.

Cereal crops in the southwest part of the province are turning colour while canola is finishing up blooming.

Manitoba Agriculture, in its weekly crop report, says fusarium is showing up in wheat, but there are no other major disease issues showing up.

Winter wheat harvest could start by the end of next week, while the first cut of tame hay is almost complete with producers reporting average to above average yields.