The ice plant at the HyLife Centre in La Broquerie is getting a replacement. 

Reeve Ivan Normandeau says it’s a good time to replace it, as the old ice plant is over 40 years old. 

“We didn't want to wait till the ice plant actually breaks down and then you won't have hockey for (a season) because it takes about a year to get them installed. So we were proactive in making sure that we have a new plant going forward for the next hockey season.” 

The cost of the project is $1.28 million, half of which is covered by a provincial grant.  

“The other half will go from reserves and from our current budget.”  

He says the new ice plant should be ready by next fall, and if it isn’t ready by fall, Normandeau says they can just use the old one until the new one is ready. 

“I think middle of April we shut off, and then once that's done then the workers have access to the building and they'll be able to get the plan going there for September.” 

Normandeau assures the ice plant replacement shouldn’t affect hockey season.