Author: AM 1250/Mix 96 News
Areas south of Highway #1 in eastern Manitoba are beginning to get dry, but subsoil moisture is still rated good to fair.  This week's Manitoba Agriculture crop report states spring wheat is starting to head, with barley mostly headed and oats just starting.  Fall rye is in the early dough stage.  Early seeded canola is starting to pod and has hit the 50% bloom stage, while later seeded fields are bolted and will be flowering this week.  Soybeans are in the second to third trifoliate stage with some iron chlorosis showing up.  Corn growth has been rapid and is 30 inches tall is some fields.  Flax ranges from 12 inches tall to flowering, and sunflowers are starting to form buds.  The majority of winter wheat has been sprayed for leaf disease or fusarium head blight, and some awns are turning colour.  Hay and pasture growth is slowing down and could use a good rain.