A $448 million AgriRecovery program aimed at helping flooded farmers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta was announced on a farm near McTaggert, Saskatchewan this morning (Thursday.)

"Our officials estimate that producers have been unable to seed between 13 and 14 million acres of cropland, and many others are facing summer grazing and hay shortages for their breeding stock," says federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz.

Crop producers will be eligible for $30 per acre for unseeded or flooded land. Livestock producers will also receive compensation for the costs of feeding and moving animals. Each province has its own specific program details.

The announcement by Ritz completes the funding for the AgriRecovery flood program announced by the Manitoba government at the end of June. With the pre-election publication ban coming into effect, the province rushed to announce the program before Ottawa signed off on its portion of the funding.